Monday, January 31, 2011

{{ 31 }} Companion

I made this as the companion piece to Candace and Andrew's  anniversary gift. I had thought to keep it myself because I was having a difficult time. This was exactly one month before I gave up my desires and everything attached to them to submit to going to Israel as missionaries. It was a hard thing for me.
 {There's more to that story than I'll go into with this post.}
What I know: the process of creating a pure heart can be quite painful. It does not become "pure" without be worked over.
If it isn't pure, whose motives are behind the work?
Looking back I'm thankful He chose to work me over. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

{{ 30 }} Love Is....

I made this for Candace & Andrew. It's one of their favorite verses...
Oh, that we would remember when the moments are rough.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

{{ 29 }} My Big Sister

I interrupt my crafty things to wish my big sister a 
Happy Birthday. We are six years apart. There are
pictures of me as a baby pulling her long hair.
She has been loving and kind....always.
As a teen I tormented her by staying out too late when we lived in Caliifornia. She's the one who worries about us all, is a terrific hostess and the one we could learn a few things from.
Hope the day was wonderful Tacie!
Happy Birthday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

{{ 28 }} Painting Pages

I am really painting these days. At the after Christmas sale at Hobby Lobby I bought
these little color packs. It gives me the chance to dabble in other colors.
I have a deep love for book pages and print. Just knew these would look 
"oh so cute".  I do like the way the paint absorbs into the old paper. Sharpies
do pretty good too. Posting a few projects in the days to come.
Projects are therapy for what to do with them all?  LOL

Thursday, January 27, 2011

{{ 27 }} Icy Not

Whoo Hoo! It was a warm day and for the first time in ages we didn't have to layer up. Last week it looked like this. I hear next week it's supposed to be snowing in Atlanta, Ga. again...not good. We head out for a conference and I am so not wanting to be stuck somewhere. I will want to get back to the comforts of home. Am I the ONLY person who doesn't like staying in hotels where thousands of people have slept?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

{{ 26 }} Cardinal Love

The only way to photograph these little ones is from inside my house. This happy little couple sings outside my dining room window most every morning. I love cardinals. When we moved from the country to town I was so afraid of how much I would miss them. God in his exceeding graciousness has sent them. 
Did you notice the tree? It's a Mock Orange and full of horrible thorns. I wonder how they can hop from 
branch to branch without being poked to pieces....Another "God Thing".

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

{{ 25 }} 50

Happy Anniversary to my sweet parents. Today they quietly celebrated 50 years of marriage.
It's not so common anymore. It's quite the milestone and I am so proud of them for reaching it.
Many times a spouse has gone on by this time. So glad both of them are here and wish so much
that I had been able to go there today. Tomorrow it will have past; there's no getting it back. 
I wanted to be there today.
Daddy was the county judge for 16 years; Moma was a devoted stay at home mother.
Nothing can replace the security that was ours because she was able to stay home. 
They set an example for us. Thanks so much Mom & Dad. I love you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

{{ 24 }} Late Night

Really? Dinner at 10:45 p.m.?  Does anyone else do this at my age?
No...most of you are sleeping.
So to say it was a busy Sunday night was an understatement?  Uh Huh....

Rotisserie Chicken
White Onion

We warmed the tortillas over our gas stove. Just throw them on and use tongs to flip.
White onions are finely chopped. They aren't as stout as yellow.
Pile on shredded chicken.
Thinly slice the avacado and squeeze on the lime juice.
Umm, Umm, Good!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

{{ 23 }}

It's off to work in the morning. Not so used to the routine of getting lunch for R., me and all that we need for the day. I've been spoiled rotten to be staying home all these years. I have loved every moment too.
I'm going to babysit and this is the mural in the nursery. Lovely, isn't it? Do we wonder why every little girl dreams of life as a princess, a Prince Charming and living in a castle? This is the picture of what dreams are made of.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

{{ 22 }} 1981

Once upon a time a young girl of 19 went to the far away land of southern California.
She taught 2 1/2  &  3 yr olds in the Christian School at her church in Orange County. Little ones lined up in perfect little rows and folded their tiny hands while sitting down front for chapel. They spoke in hushed voices until on playground and they napped to the sounds of the Disney Childrens Choir from the 60's.
One sweet child gave this to me Christmas of 1981. I have had it for 30 years this Christmas.
Every year it is carefully wrapped when the tree comes down. It's one of my oldest and don't you think she looks all 80's? 

Friday, January 21, 2011

{{ 21 }} Baby Soft

I love the softness of babies. I'm watching a little one every few days now. I remember when I worked and my little love was in the tender care of my own mother. I try and provide the same security and love for A.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

{{ 20 }} Home

Last night we had one of the teens stay over.  I was tired from the day and not feeling real hospitable. The day was long, R. came home from work very sick, I had an hour to get the house ready for Home Fellowship and I had not eaten all day. 
As I told my son good-bye for the this morning... kissed his 17 yr. old face and sent him out the door, the extra teen gave me a hug. He said, "I wish my mom was like you. I wish she cared."
My heart broke....I know what home life is like for him. I know he'd rather sleep on my couch, listen to our banter and know it's a safe loving home.
I read this from (( ))
after  the kids left for school. 

"Start by making your own home a place where happiness and love abound, through your love for each member of your family and for your neighbor. Try to put in the hearts of your children a love for home. Make them long to be with their families. So much sin could be avoided if our people really love their homes.
Mother Theresa

A love for home....I can honestly say my family has a love for home. It's a refuge.
Today...last night were not so gentle reminders that this refuge is to reach out....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

{{ 19 }} Guarding the Gate

My life on Margaret took me to another neighborhood today.
Everything in the camera's lens looks new.
We hedge in our yards, build fences and guard the treasures behind them.
I think about our hearts, our eyes and ears, the mind....are we as careful in not letting them be invaded? 
Do we hedge them in and protect them? Guard them? 
I think what peace we might have if we did a little more guarding.

Philippians 4:7 

7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 4:23 

23 Above all else, guard your heart,
   for everything you do flows from it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

{{ 18 }} Study Day

Amazing Bible study day. I love how God speaks when you are just faithful to open His Word.
He will aways speak but are you willing to listen?
What's he saying?  
Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope.     
This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life.      
Psalm 119:49, 50                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Monday, January 17, 2011

{{ 17 }} You Don't Know Jack

I've said before...He's our rescue.
We rescued him; he rescued us.
Just for kicks I did some checking into the cost of another like him.
Oh! I knew he was a rare, ancient breed but I had no idea.
I could buy a car...or a dog. Why did I neuter him? I would love little ones like
him running around.
They are very people like in their behavior...really more so than any other dog we've had and 
trust me...we've had some. They are slightly mischievious, can zip around faster than any
other dog we've had and is an awesome watch dog. He loves his property and his people.
Until you've been to my house...You Don't Know Jack!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

{{ 16 }} Jack, a connecting device

I looked up several phrases with "jack". This one caught my eye, "a connecting device". I knew right off this was my dog. He has such a personality; he doubt about it. Everyone who comes through our door is immediately engaged with him. This morning I found him laying on top of one of the teen boys that spent the night here. He makes himself at home with everyone. Who can resist that face?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

{{ 15 }} Jack Frost

Jack in the snow. He's completely air-born and happy....I think I'll make it Jack week.

Friday, January 14, 2011

{{ 14 }} Jack

Jack is our sweet rescue. We rescued him from incineration at the pound and he rescued our broken hearts. He had three great years of training on how to be an awesome dog to our family; how to hug everyone that comes to your house; how to look all pitiful and get loads of attention. Yep, Blue trained him well and now he holds my heart in his little paws. He waits for his daddy to get home and hold him like a little child. Lucky us, we find a scrappy looking pup in the pound and he turns out to be a rare breed.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

{{ 13 }} Bargain

Yay!!! I had been waiting for these ornaments to go to 90% off. I saw someone on a blog use them in a bowl at Christmas. I have oak trees all around and spend lots of time pulling up baby trees and raking acorns. So, these have a bit of meaning to me. They represent what keeps me busy in the summer. Can't wait til next year...really, I'm thinking since it's winter they can go somewhere in my house.

{{ 12 }} Icicles

I do like when the snow begins to melt and the icicles begin to form.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

{{ 11 }} Shaping Up

Let your love, God, shape my life
with salvation, exactly as you promised;
Then I'll be able to stand up to mockery
because I trusted your Word.
Don't ever deprive me of truth, not ever—
your commandments are what I depend on.
Oh, I'll guard with my life what you've revealed to me,
guard it now, guard it ever;
And I'll stride freely through wide open spaces
as I look for your truth and your wisdom;
Then I'll tell the world what I find,
speak out boldly in public, unembarrassed.
I cherish your commandments—oh, how I love them!—
relishing every fragment of your counsel......Psalm 119:41-48 (The Message)

Monday, January 10, 2011

{{ 10 }} New Every A.M.

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning.
Lamentations 3: 22-23
The sky was beautiful as Jansen's birthday dawned. It was a gift....just like his mercies that are new every morning.
As I read this verse I wonder if we pause long enough to think about being consumed. Are we consumed with things of this world or with things eternal? What does the word mean to you? We're left here on Earth for a reason...not instantly consumed and turned to a vapor.Seriously, that's what our fate should be. Instead, we are given Compassions that fail not....and His Great love.
When I think of the word "consume" I think of combustion; something igniting and bursting. Isn't that what we should be like with Jesus? Our hearts ignite with His love, grace, faithfulness, mercy. We can't hold it in... Every morning we begin anew.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

{{ 9 }} Snow Days

We don't get snow very often so when it falls I grab my camera. Beautiful day as the snow fell heavy at times while we worshipped inside at church. Always so good to be surrounded by friends and family. I am fully reminded of the song "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin.....Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go....Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow...Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light...Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night....None can fathom...Indescribable, uncontainable...You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name...You are amazing God...All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim...You are amazing God!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

{{ 8 }} P.C.

This is where my guys work. I forget which one they call it...maybe Division 4?
All the goods get shipped from this location.
I love this place. Tons of architectural elements.
The company has two more buildings in town.
Great company; so far, I'm impressed.

Friday, January 7, 2011

{{ 7 }} First Son

My son Jansen.
It's his 19th birthday.
He's the middle child, like me.
He was born in the show me state.
I don't know where another year will take him. He talks of leaving for the military
or taking a job up north. Part of me says he's not ready; part of me doesn't want to deny him
the expreience of growing up with adventure.
I knew when I found out I was expecting him that he would be a boy.
I knew God was going to carry the family name.
It felt like a promise. I didn't hear it....I just knew deep down.
R. and I had lunch with him today and we walked briefly down memory lane.
Happy Birthday, my son, may the good Lord, bless you.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

{{ 6 }} LIttle Ones

When we lived in the country I worked very hard to turn a hayfield into a pretty yard. Friends and my Mother shared their plants; I purchased little pine saplings. Years went by and the pines grew.
Just before we were to move to town in Dec. I went out and walked around my field and visited my trees.
On the ground lay three very small pinecones. There were many tears as I knealt to gather them. One for each of my children who grew up in the house in the country. It was a sweet parting love gift. I keep them still.

{{ 5 }} Home Group

We've changed our home groups to Wed. nights. Had a house full of little ones running around.
God is so good. We studied our place in the Word and had a great discussion.
Love my people.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

{{ 4 }} Shadow Play

Genesis 1: 3, 4 "And God said, Let there be light;
and there was light."
And God saw that light, that it was good........"
This is one thing I do appreciate about my home...the morning light streams in through the lace curtains and creates this beautiful pattern on the wall.
It was Bible study day and I am reminded of another Light....the Light of the World who stepped down from a heavenly realm into the darkness of our world. I was able to spread a little of the Word with a fellow Believer today after our study and the verses we went over were perfect.
I love how God does that.

Monday, January 3, 2011

{{ 3 }}

Tonight I got side-tracked when I became a little frustrated with my closet. I've bought a few candles during the after Christmas sales. I love the fragrances of fall and winter so I pick up a couple extra every can't beat a quarter. When I went to put them away the closet was disorganized and I couldn't get anything else in. Fixed that little problem and decided to burn away a few that I won't use again. So the house smelled great and looked pretty too.
Maybe tomorrow I'll capture the Santas in the background.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

{{ 2 }} Him

He's the one.
There are a dozen times when I want to wring his neck but
he's the one that I run to when I'm not running to Jesus.
The one I want to spend my time with; the one I'm growing old with.
He teases me and torments me. He knows me and still loves me.
He's a visionary, entrepreneur, counselor, man of God,
spiritual leader of our home.
He's the founder of Harvest House, our latest ministry.
I am my beloved's; my beloved is mine.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

{{ 1 }} 1-1-11

I'm starting the photo each day.
This is to document the everyday things in my life.
Let's see how far I get....
For now I know it's time to take down the tree and I'm afraid I haven't spent as much time as I'd like in this room. Stefan and I had a sweet time putting the branches on. It came on the week end of an earth shaking event for us. Our hearts were laid bare, we wanted for nothing other than eachother's company and to be home where we felt safe. This tree, this year, that night I will remember as my youngest son spent the evening helping me fluff the greenery to make it the most beautiful. With a 17 year old...those moments are rare. We must store them in our hearts.