Sunday, July 17, 2011

{{ 113 }} Colors

The colors of summer. The temps have been over 100 for weeks.
Normally we see 108. The nights cool to 80 if we're lucky. 

{{ 112 }} Weddings & Anniversaries

We've seen our friends' wedding but this week brought the 2nd anniversary of Nate and Jennifer.
It was a sweet setting in West Tx. up on a hill over looking the Hill Country.
As we corporately sang worship songs Nathan turned his head to see his parents.
It was one of the sweetest moments I've been priveledged to witness. He wanted to see 
everyone. It was a moment shared with our family who is so close. I saw the man who had chosen his bride but I saw that little boy that I babysat, who my own daughter adored and he adored her. The one who always had time to play with my boys, his cousins.
I saw the years fly backwards and lurch forward in a brief glance.
Happy Anniversary as you serve our country in Germany. We miss you greatly.

Friday, July 15, 2011

{{ 111 }} Trio

Not the greatest picture of us but we are sweet friends celebrating C & A.
 It gives a nice shot of the reception. What about these fluffy little
dresses that make you look 20 lbs. heavier?  LOL 

{{ 110 }} Weddings

My dearest wonderful that Rick was Best Man. It gave Sherry and I time for breakfast and a good visit. So sad that they are moving yet further away. Weddings bring everyone together for fun. Thankful we are for weddings and friends.

{{ 109 }} Laughing Too Much

Fun friends....BJ (Grandma to the Groom) looks like she's had a few but she's really just posing after we've laughed so much. With these ladies I can litterally laugh til I cry. Now, why is Sherry loaded down holding all my stuff? Time to go home...

{{ 108 }} Light the Way

The walk to the ceremony was softly lit by rows of lanterns.
I love the softness they bring to any event.
"Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path..."

{{ 107 }} Reception

Colors for the wedding reception: Cobalt Blue, Tangerine & Lime...
Fun Fun Fun...inside the civic center was transformed into a garden theme complete with barn doors, a gazebo, Japanese lanterns, Gerber daisies and gardens spots. It was a festive affair, a celebration enjoyed by all.

{{ 106 }} Fooling Around

Don't let them fool you in this not so candid shot.
They're holding the cake just out of my camera's range. I kept hearing, "Don't show the cake."

{{ 105 }} Weddings

These dear ladies have been friends forever.
What a pleasure to catch this candid moment at the reception
of Mother of the Bride, my cousin and a friend.
And when life has serious changes what do you do?
Eat chocolate cake of course!

{{ 104 }} Leaving

The Happy Couple leaves.
Bubbles are so much fun.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

{{ 103 }} S

The summer brought C&A's wedding.
Pictures are coming!

{{ 102 }} C&A

Friends fell in love....
Friends married.

{{ 101 }} Chosen

I think of...John 15:16
Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain,that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My name, He may give it to you.
I love that I am Chosen...Hand picked...Called out...and I have a job to do.