Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life Abounds

There's "Life on Margaret". 
So many changes, so many challenges, hurts, joys.
Most importantly, there's Life.
We stick by eachother on our street. We carry eachother's load. We have changes coming and
what will become of the family ties that we've created between us?
We're pretty much like what a church should look like and that bond
is stronger than some because it's the Jesus blood that creates this bond.
It's everlasting and through eternity.
Yes, there's Life on Margaret.

Remarkable, really, the way the Lord speaks when you go before Him. Today's OYB reading that jumped at me was: Judges 6:14 Then the Lord turned to him (Gideon) and said, Go with the strength you have and rescue Israel from the Midianites.  I am sending you!
I'm not rescuing Israel but this speaks strongly. It says, this day has been prepared. I've lined everyone up to be there. (Says God) You are equipped, ready and it's time; "I am sending you!"
What is the Lord telling you to do? He's speaking; are you listening? Do you know His voice or has it been so long that you weren't sure Who that was? Are you so close that you know the sound of His whisper? He's speaking to you.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mornings With Jesus

On my mornings off I like to have my cup of coffee and read my One Year Bible first thing. 
I remember the days when I was so bleary-eyed from being a young mother that I
couldn't even see the pages. I couldn't focus my eyes much less my mind. I knew I was supposed to read and have my devotions but it was sooo hard.
When I'm working, I read there.
I'm loving my IPad for study's sake. As I read I get busy looking up places and
other things that catch my attention. In January when I was off before school started back, 
I would sit for 2-3 hours at a time. I felt a little guilty but then thought..."who needs me right now?
Isn't it okay if I schedule time to learn? and just be a "Mary" and sit at Jesus' feet?"

Here's just a sampling of things that have jumped out at me today:
Proverbs 13:5 "The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked bring shame and disgrace."
This week end we had an incident. Somehow Mr. R remained calm & controlled.
He was seeking a peaceful solution to the rising anger issue in another who eventually brought shame and disgrace to his name, his family's name and his business. 
Psalms 84: 11 "... no good thing does he withhold from those who walk blameless."