Sunday, February 20, 2011

{{ 46 }} The List

Oh! Don't you love it when you can mark something off your list?
I have one more item to go. I'm not real motivated to mark that last one off just has to be done.  UGH.

{{ 45 }} Food

Maybe this doesn't look to good...hahaha
I found a recipe/tip on Balancing Beauty & Bedlam
and tried it out. Yay! I can do oatmeal now!
You simply saute your apple bits in a little butter and add the oatmeal. Cook, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. I make sure I do lots of apple. This is a great time to use those apples that are on their way out...
you know, the kinda not crisp anymore apples.
I feel good knowing I'm eating something healthy.

{{ 44 }} Red

I'm learning to to like Nandina.
When I first came to this house I could have cared less.
One day Mom and I were walking around my yard and she said how much she liked them.
I think I found an appreciation that day. 
One of our past times in the country, when we were neighbors,
was to walk around our flower beds and talk about how our plants
were growing and living...we loved that. I miss it.
Now Moma lives far away and there's no one to walk around my garden with me.

{{ 43 }} Lanterns

 Wouldn't it be neat if I had thought to light the lantern?
I didn't want to disturb the snow.  Lanterns have always
been attractive to me. They make me imagine what life was
like in old days, hold a mystique, make me thankful when
the electricity is out. It takes you to a simple time and with
life as busy as it is...Simple is nice.

Friday, February 18, 2011

{{ 42 }} Blackbirds

Four and twenty blackbirds.....
Brenda feeds the kitties on the front porch and with this snow looks like someone else was hungry too.
I'm sure the blackbirds are a nuisance to some but I miss them.
Used to love them covering the fields in the country and listening
to their swoosh as they flew away.

{{ 41 }} Lines

Oh yeah, and snow. Again.

{{ 40 }} Snow

The snow was different this time.
You could see the tiny formations of the crystal.
Pardon me for not knowing the correct terms....
We don't get three snows in one year.

Monday, February 14, 2011

{{ 39 }} Valentine's Day

I remember the days with my sweet children when we made Valentines.
There would be glue, scissors, paper, doilies, crayons, glitter.
Miss the days of see ing what their little imagination would dream up.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

{{ 38 }} Bernie

Bernie got loose today while we were having our Valentine lunch.
The boys came home to get their guns and he opened the door and 
quietly left. He ran around all over oue neighborhood.
One neat thing about asking help: you meet the neighbors around the corner.
I met the man and when he saw my runaway moments later he helped catch him.
The young Dominos pizza man locked him up in the building and the neighbor
 drove up and down the streets looking for me. I was on the other side of the main road.
I prayed the whole time...nearly sick. Bernie is the riding companion to R. as he
drives back and forth to work and Bernie spends the night at Harvest House too.
So relieved to have him back home where he belongs. Thank you Dominos pizza man,
thank you neighbor whom I would have never met...."it takes a village".

Saturday, February 12, 2011

{{ 37 }} Away With You

I just don't know when I've been so glad to see something leave. Let me take a moment to say:
Praise The Lord!    Thank You Jesus!
It's been on my "to do" list for over a year. Yesterday I sold the pop up camper for what we paid and didn't lose a dime. We used it once....sad to say but true...
once. I am so used to our Airstream that nothing else compares.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

{{ 36 }} Dishes

I had this saucers from my Granmother's dishes. I used these when I was  little girl and always liked the color and was intrigued by the pattern of the flowers. I finally put them on a plate hanger and hung them in my laundry room only to find the washer had jiggled the walls to the point that they crashed to the floor. I'm sad they are broken so I need to find some way to salvage the prettiness.

{{ 35 }} Air Force 1

Can't tell you how many times this box has "nearly" been thrown out.
I keep holding on. I're laughing.
A few years ago, when President George W. was in office we were 
commissioned with a job.
We lived in a tiny community out in the country; my kids would say "Nowhere".
Our engraving business received a box of tools to be engraved especially
for Air Force 1. They would ride on the plane with the President in case
anything went wrong and they needed to work in flight.
I was honored to say the least. So from tiny little T-town to Air Force 1 they went.
I just can't seem to throw out the box
so I keep packing things in it and putting it back in storage.

{{ 34 }} Therapy

This is what I do for therapy.
I must admit I don't completely come up with my own ideas.
I am inspired by many things I see and incoporate them into my play time.
I am reminded of this verse:
Psalm 147:4
He counts the number of the stars and calls them all by name.
I really like the "all" part. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

{{ 33 }} Ground Hog Day

My almost 5'2" self looks long. No, this wasn't taken today. I daren't go out much. It's bitterly cold to the point that my car was a little freaked out and just said  ICE. No kidding. It's 12 degrees with a windchill of -2.
When I was little I played "step on shadow". I still like my shadow.
Madison visited in Oct. and as she pranced around the camp fire one night she suddenly stopped and said, "My shadow finds me watching the stars." She had seen Peter Pan; her imagination had taken off.
It was one of those magical toddler moments; I wanted to bottle it up andkeep it to take out when I am missing her so badly.
Do shadows captivate you?
Does it carry you back to a time when all was simple?

{{ 32 }} Charmed I'm Sure

It's Reliv Conference time and I totally forgot to post.
I was so busy packing and doing calls for people that I missed a day.  Want to have one piece of jewelry to work all three days so I whipped up some new charms. The blue one reminded me of Israel and that reminded me of our travel companions so I made one for D. too. The others are from Aunt Willie's old and very broken necklace and a bracelet I dismantled.
Makes me so happy to re-porpose.